
General contact information for trials in Saskatchewan:


  • Allan Blair Cancer Centre (306-766-2213)


  • Saskatoon Cancer Centre (306-655-2662)

Current trials:


Recruiting location in the Saskatchewan:

ID Number: NCT02773524


Description: This study is looking to determine if regorafenib improves survival in patients with advanced gastro-oesophageal carcinoma.

A: Regorafenib

B: Placebo

Intervention: Regorafenib is a targeted chemotherapy drug that is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor. It slows down or stops the growth of cancer cells.

Can I consider participating?

  • YES: patients who have advanced (metastatic or locally recurrent) gastro-oesophageal carcinoma that has not responded to minimum of 2 lines of prior anti-cancer therapy
  • NO: patients who have malabsorption syndromes, poorly-controlled hypertension, significant active infection